Today's being February 2nd and all means I only have 23 days left before the 25th. Now, for the random thought. On the sidebar of my blog there is a picture from London of the Beast in a production of
Beauty and the Beast. I quote, "I think this is an interesting interpretation of this story. It fascinates me because by the end of the play/movie/production, you LOVE the Beast! How could anyone love this alienated creature? He's a mixture of George Lucas' imagination and Christmas lights. He's scary looking! And tall! So . . . how do I love him? " I want to clarify something on that last bit. I am not opposed to tall people, in any way or means. Actually, when it comes to attractiveness, I prefer them. I'm short (tallest of the girls in my family, but hey . . .) My sons need a shot at tall genes somewhere! Anyway . . . random enough thought? yeah . . . it is.