Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh I feel amazing . . .

You should ask me why, but since I know you won't really, I'll blog about it and you can read it! I feel amazing because I read a 221 page book yesterday for a class, wrote a paper on it this morning, took it to my TA and only had to change 3 measly things! She liked my application, thought it was a strong paper, with a firm stance in opinion, and the things I had to change were only citing sources and a sentence re-wording!Oh I feel amazing . . . Usually my papers require extensive rewrites. The points are awarded out of ten and usually, if I don't get help on a paper, they give me about 8.5. When I go in and get help, I can get 10s. They always say my papers are good, but that I haven't quite applied myself enough to it. Well, not today! :D It gives me much more than a slight level of satisfaction knowing that I can read, apply and schpeal in a sociological mindset. The book was Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. Apart from the foul language and graphic settings (to which we were forewarned) it was a very interesting read. I admit that I didn't get it until after I'd read it, and even now it blows my mind that things like dehumanization and degredation happen all the time and we think it's ok. I have to go to class and turn in the paper, but I could really talk about this forever . . . or as Helena Bonham Carter says in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, when grown-ups say forever they mean a very long time. :)


Mark and JanaRae said...

Way to go! Nothing like procrastinaion that turns out for the better! Very impressive that you did so well. OH, how I miss the school days, never trade it for a mom but would love to go back :)

Justin Pack said...

I'm watching you
- Justin

jk. As for earn money v/s study for the love of it, I guess you can do both. I fall in the second group but I'm married so I do have to take the first into account.
no easy answers I guess.