Friday, January 23, 2009

Mission advice?

My mission packet said I had to send 8 passport pictures to the mission president asap. I got those off yesterday with a note asking for advice of what to buy and where. I don't know if I'll hear back from him or not. My aunt's foreign exchange student from Germany shops when she comes to America because everything is so much cheaper but Heidi wishes she'd bought her winter boots and coat in the country because then she wouldn't have had to lug them all around Chile. Needless to say, and don't be shocked, but I'm really nervous! When I tell people I'm going to Germany I get one of two reactions. First choice: They look at me incredulously because how could somewhere so gorgeous and beautiful count as a mission when really it's the perfect dream vacation. Or Second Choice: They grin at me like they know something I don't know and wish me luck like I'm going to convert the Pope. I mean, I know European missions are hard, but isn't every mission hard? I love the people and I speak their language fair enough already. I love the Gospel and I have a testimony of it. That should count for something, right? So, you returned missionaries, what's your best advice? And you not-returned missionaries, what's yours? A friend on a mission right now just says to leave everything behind, excluding him. :) Haha! If you want to write me, I'd be more than happy to have mail! And, I promise no matter how long it takes, I'll write back eventually. - Lyndi

1 comment:

Corey and Haley said...

Hi!... not sure if you remember me, I have advice though.. not about the mission stuff but Germany, and Germans :)... First off Definately buy your winter stuff here.. H&M is really not that expensive, Second Germans are really friendly and really enjoy showing off the English that they know, if they're in a good mood if not they just say mean things about Auslanders...Munich is beautiful and VERY posh, so be prepared to allways look or best or no one will give you the time of day! :)... anyway just htought I's give my two cents! GOOD LUCK!!