Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tag . . .I'm it!

Name 5 random things about myself and then tag five more people . . . adding a random picture to add to the randominity of said post. Here goes!
1- I have a clean fingernail fetish. When not doing something productive, they're always being picked at. I clean them during class, slow time at work, during church, when I try to come up with random things to say . . . all the time! It's even worse if they're short . . . I just really need to see that line of white.
2- All I wanted when I went to Washington DC, besides to see the Lincoln Memorial, was a red hoodie with Washington DC really big on the front. I found the perfect hoody on the last day we were there and bought it on the spot. It is comfy and cozy, says Washington DC down the left sleeve in white embroidery and Washinton DC in black velvet and white embroidery on the front, real big. Perfect!
3- I like to paint my toenails, but not enough that I'm willing to take off the old paint that now only remains on my big toes. Call me lazy . . . All of the paint has come off or been chipped off (part of the clean nail fetish) of the other toes, but my two big toenails remain red, scarlett in fact.
4- I have had the same cell phone for more than 2 years now and my provider has sent me several messages informing me of this fact. Get a new phone they say! It's free they say! I say, the old one still works, I'd have to find a store, it probably isn't free, and until this one dies, what's the point?
5- It has been almost exactly a year since my last haircut. It was incredibly short (1-2 inches in length) and is now past the shoulders to upper back range. It's still healthy looking, though if I sit still too long I get bored and pick split ends. It's a lovely color, and a nice boy I know likes to comment when I do it. ;)
I tag Jess Ward, Jessica Hansen, Allyson Maughan, JanaRae and Annie Leavitt.
Random Picture: This was sent to me today by a missionary buddy from my freshman year at college. Elder Ricks in Florida's self portrait whilst at the Orlando Temple.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

super blonde moment . . .

oh man this is embarrassing . . . but SO funny!! So, I'll share. Scroll down a little bit and look at the picture for the awesomest jamba crew ever. Notice anything odd about it? Yeah, it's really really really blurry. For about a year now, I've been really confused at why the quality of the pictures from my phone camera has plummeted. Today, I discovered the reason. I was at Hogi Yogi, not eating the ice cream-cookie sandwiches with my sister and her friends at the close of her "birthweek" and got bored. I took out my phone and started messing around. I opened up the options and noticed that the first one was 1.Resolution. It was set to the lowest one! 160x120 is nothing! No wonder you can't tell that it's even me in any of my pictures from the last year! So, now that it's set to a 640x480 resolution I'll take better pictures. I guess on the upside of this blonde moment that happened to last for at least a year . . . is the truth (yes, truth) that I'll just have to go back and do all the things that I have pictures of on my phone, delete them, and take better ones!! Brilliant! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Awesomest Jamba Crew Ever

Hello again everyone! It seems like it's been a while since I posted, and it has! Almost a month! So I thought I'd update. I still work at Jamba Juice, and intend to for some time to come. Next week is Education Week and it's going to be crazy insane! I'm starting as a new team lead next week too which has the potential to be a scary thing: Lyndi in charge? OOOoooooo . . . :D But, I believe that this picture, poor quality that it is, is enough proof that it won't be too bad. Pictured from left to right in the back are Mike, Jon, Will, Freddie and Justin. Pictured center front = me! This was my team yesterday of which I was in charge! I was the only girl but it was totally awesome! My team was very efficient and I felt that we were successful. Besides, it was a fun picture. We were pretty bored . . . :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

4 months

Today is August 2nd. Four months from today is my birthday! I wanted to post something today, but really don't have anything else exciting to say! Trevor went sailing and I was so sad it wasn't me. My cousin Michele's bridal shower was this morning. Tomorrow is Fast Sunday. I'm doing laundry and might take a nap. I don't have to go to work today!!!! (I've already been excited about that today. I actually put cute clothes on and did my hair! I work at Jamba Juice so I just wear my uniform and put my hair in a pony tail every day and am too tired when I get home to change into anything else or to put any effort into my physical appearance. Of course, if there was a good reason to do so, I would! Good reasons include dates, FHE, dates, going out with Heidi, dates, or any other excuse to leave the house. If I'm just going to stay home alone, there's no reason to look good.) I'm praying about medical school - shocking isn't it - and trying to decide which classes to pick up when. Can I take O Chem and BioChem concurrent enrollment? Which physics classes do I take if I only need to cover mechanics, electricity, and magnetism? Is a "science-major" level at BYU referring to chemistry majors, biology majors, physics majors, neuroscience majors, all of the above or none of the above? Do I take Chem 105, 106, and 107 and not take Calculus, or will NCNM only accept a college math course actually taken in college? This, of course, would change all of those Chem classes to like 121, 122, and 123. I should probably talk to someone who knows, huh? Ooh . . . there's the buzzer. Time to rotate the laundry.