Saturday, August 16, 2008

super blonde moment . . .

oh man this is embarrassing . . . but SO funny!! So, I'll share. Scroll down a little bit and look at the picture for the awesomest jamba crew ever. Notice anything odd about it? Yeah, it's really really really blurry. For about a year now, I've been really confused at why the quality of the pictures from my phone camera has plummeted. Today, I discovered the reason. I was at Hogi Yogi, not eating the ice cream-cookie sandwiches with my sister and her friends at the close of her "birthweek" and got bored. I took out my phone and started messing around. I opened up the options and noticed that the first one was 1.Resolution. It was set to the lowest one! 160x120 is nothing! No wonder you can't tell that it's even me in any of my pictures from the last year! So, now that it's set to a 640x480 resolution I'll take better pictures. I guess on the upside of this blonde moment that happened to last for at least a year . . . is the truth (yes, truth) that I'll just have to go back and do all the things that I have pictures of on my phone, delete them, and take better ones!! Brilliant! :)

1 comment:

Meka said...

Those phones are hard to figure out, don't worry about it! I tagged you on my blog.